The Guidance cantrip has synergy with every single party and every single ability because it’s just an extra modifier to add to an ability check. Guidance allows the caster to support exploration explicitly and even combat movement without expending valuable spell slots. Thus, Guidance comes into play for something like Acrobatics checks to get over difficult terrain or climb up a hill. Saving spell slots for things like Bless, Bane, and healing spells will better suit the whole party. Guidance is a critical spell for supportive casters as they will need low-cost methods to aid their party members. Skill throws (Acrobatics, Sleight Of Hand, etc.) are ability checks as ability checks are defined as “any rolls using your ability scores that are neither attack rolls nor saving throws. They represent rolls that show training and skill with a specific ability score outside of simply hitting people or withstanding attacks. Ability Checks are an essential third pillar of combat and roleplay in D&D 5e. Guidance works only on ability checks, meaning no saving throws or attack rolls as they are not considered ability checks.

It’s a power cantrip that vastly improves you and your allies’ chances of making it through many meaningful roleplay and exploration scenarios. The spell gives an extra 1d4 to an ability check made before the spell ends. Guidance is a quintessential support spell for supportive casters.