Iyami and Chibita have learnt this the hard way in Episode 10. Berserk Button: They don't exactly take it well when they figure out they've been swindled.It's highlighted in episode 15 when Jyushimatsu is sitting alongside some dozen other applicants waiting to be interviewed, with his face and look sticking out prominently as the most cartoonish-looking.Their beady eyes and faces contrast with those of the rest of the world's, as well. Beady-Eyed Loser: They're unemployed, sexually frustrated, socially inept, still living with their parents, and ultimately very childish.
Animal Motifs: Merchandise associates each brother with a specific animal. It's large and gaudy because of his tendency to lie about his social standing, so Totty only lets his family members see it. Jyushimatsu: A bubble that's floating in space and contains a copy of himself. It's fairly large, reflecting its owner's secretly self-conscious nature, and Ichimatsu is seen burying it underground to keep the others from finding it. Ichimatsu: A furry lump that looks almost like a cat. "Choromatsu Memorial Hall" reveals that it has gained sentience from how overdeveloped it has become. IDOL MANAGER CHOROMATSU HOW TO
It becomes bigger and more unstable whenever Choro's self-consciousness rises and hes seen reading a book about how to control it in "The Star of Hope, Todomatsu".
Choromatsu: A planet-like mass that's floating above the city and blinding the people below it with its bright green light. Karamatsu: A glossy orb that's about the size of a crystal ball. It's dented and covered in dirt, which prompts Choromatsu to ask if it's just a clump of garbage. Osomatsu: A tiny but manageable red ball that fits in his pocket. Anatomy of the Soul: "Choromatsu Rising" reveals that each brother owns a physical manifestation of their self-consciousness, with some being more difficult to handle than others. Out of the main cast, Iyami's the only one who sometimes still has problems telling them apart, even though they all have telltale characteristics this time around. Always Identical Twins: They wouldn't be the Matsuno brothers if they weren't. IDOL MANAGER CHOROMATSU SERIES
Adaptation Dye-Job: They had black hair in the first series and both its anime adaptations, but they're depicted with brown hair in -San. Abhorrent Admirer: Totoko can use their lust for her to decent ends and cause them to help further her career in the idol industry, but at the end of the day she's still not interested in dating them.
The Six Same Faces * (Left-right) Osomatsu, Karamatsu, Choromatsu, Ichimatsu, Jyushimatsu, and Todomatsu.