
Dooble and dooble and doobly doo
Dooble and dooble and doobly doo

Specky Carstairs was born because I find myself sitting here some nights, wanting to write - not to write fiction, for once, but just write what's on my mind. I might start talking about make-up and beauty and life stuff as well because I'm getting quite interested in that sort of thing. I'll probably write the odd review of books and movies and anime series, weekly reviews about my favourite shows.

dooble and dooble and doobly doo

There'll be day-to-day journal-type stuff* on here and a whole bunch of rants about the things I'm interested in. It's been less than a week and I'm already halfway through Season 2. This is good shit and I would recommend it to almost anyone, male, female, ambiguous, whatever. If you're in secondary school or have been to secondary school, you will find this funny. It didn't matter that I knew exactly what was going to happen the whole time, I was invested in the show not for the story, but for the characters and their dry, witty, sarcastic and often dark sense of humour.


It's quite realistic, I think - I mean, I've never been inside an American high-school, but this one doesn't seem as cliche filled as others on TV - and the humour is fantastic. Oops.īut anyway, I thought it sounded like a bunch of teenie-bopper nonsense and I already knew all the twists and turns of the first series, but like I said: I was bored, so I went ahead and threw the first episode on while I painted my nails.Īlmost immediately, I paused it because I was laughing too hard to concentrate on my nails. And that's basically the first episode in a nutshell. She chronicles all these experiences on her blog. On top of that, she's sleeping with a boy who doesn't want to be seen in public with her. She has to start high school as "the girl who tried to kill herself". When she tries to get rid of the letter, she ends up having this epically awkward accident that, especially when coupled with the cruel letter, looks like a suicide attempt. Quick Spoiler-Free Synopsis: Awkward is about this fifteen-year-old girl called Jenna who gets a "carefrontation" letter which basically tells her that if she continues to live out her quiet, unassuming existence - remaining unpopular, never taking risks, never standing out - she "could disappear and no one would notice". I opened up the Awkward Wikipedia page and in 30 seconds flat, I unwittingly read the ENTIRE spoiler-filled plot-line of the whole first series. So, basically, I went into my group chat with the Double D's and they were gushing over this show called Awkward and they demanded that I watch it and I was bored, so I Googled it. My latest obsession is this show called Awkward, and I think it's pretty funny that I started watching it the same day I started this blog, since it's about a blogger. But this kind of thing, Craig's idea, was just so sweet and personal, and if nothing else, he's made damn sure I'll give the rest of his videos a go.Īnyway, it's 1:08 and I have Chemistry first thing. I hate these extravagant proposals with fanfares and rings in food and crap.

dooble and dooble and doobly doo

It's the most pleasantly surprised I think I've ever been by a video. She was so happy, he was so happy, I was so happy. When she turned from the screen to look at him, he was holding a ring. He did it by making the first letter of the titles of his last 17 videos leading up to the 1000th spell out "CHYNA WILL YOU MARRY ME?" and he got her to read it out.

dooble and dooble and doobly doo

It turned out to be Wheezy Waiter, or Craig's, proposal to his girlfriend. Literally ten minutes ago, I went into his videos and picked the title that interested me the most: "? - (1000th Video)" I feel like I've heard the name thrown around a lot recently by other YouTubers, but it was the first time I'd come face to face with the man himself and I had no idea what to expect. I really liked the odd, bearded man hosting that video, so I found his link in the doobly-doo and what d'you know? It's Wheezy Waiter. I discovered him this morning when I knocked on a Mental Floss video explaining why tortoises are so slow.

dooble and dooble and doobly doo

Now I'd love to be able to give you a quick rundown on his content, but to be honest, I have no idea what sort of stuff he puts up. I hear he's quite famous, but for those of you who don't know, Wheezy Waiter is a YouTuber. so many things changed over the weekend, that half the things I was going to say on Thursday no longer applied by Sunday, so instead I'm going to talk about Wheezy Waiter. So, it was my birthday on Sunday, and I had this while big emotional post started on Thursday night that I was going to post on Sunday at six o'clock, which is roughly the time I was born, but.

Dooble and dooble and doobly doo